Tombs of the Nobles in Aswan Egypt | List of Qubbet El Hawa Tombs – Pharaonic Monuments – Aswan Day Tours

Egypt was divided into two kingdoms till 3200BC. It was normal that Egypt was divided into two kingdoms, each kingdom had its own king, crown, capital, symbol or protection, and plant. So, every kingdom had its own king, for upper Egypt, the king had the white crown, the winged vultures, and the capital was Nekhn.

In lower Egypt, the king had the red crown, the winged falcon as a symbol of protection and Buto was the capital. Every king had his own ministers, high officials, priests, and workers who help him. That lasts till king Narmer or Menes united the two kingdoms into one and Memphis was the first capital of the first united Egypt country.

The high official, are those who help the king achieve such stability and grandeur. These officials always had nice tombs in their nomes and their tombs were always nicely decorated.

Tombs of the Nobles in Aswan Egypt

The tombs of nobles were so important for historians as they are different from the royal tombs. They always show the daily life like hunting, fishing, and overseer the work in the fields. Others show their mission like some of their military campaigns.

When the Qubbet El Hawa starts to be the burial place for Aswan Nobles?

When the tombs of the Nobles were discovered?

Who is buried in the tombs of Nobles or Qubbet El Hawa?

What are the tombs of Qubbet El Hawa famous for?

What are the most famous tombs in the tombs of the Nobles?

List of the tombs in the Valley of the Nobles

Price for tombs of the Nobles tombs

Tomb Numbering Systems in the Valley of the Nobles

The location 

The tombs of Nobles Aswan are located in Aswan on the west bank of the River Nile on the high cliffs opposite Aswan to the north of Kitchener Island, at the northern edge of Elephantine Island.

How many Tombs of the Nobles in Egypt?

As long as the work Noble goes for the high priests, viziers, foremen, soldiers, officials, and workers, so we have many places called the Valley of Nobles between Luxor Tours, Aswan, Cairo, and El Minya

  • Tombs of Nobles Luxor (TT)
  • Tombs of Nobles Saqqara
  • Tombs of Nobles Amarna or El Minya
  • Tombs of Nobles Aswan or Qubbet El Hawa (QH)

How many nobles are buried in the Valley of the Nobles Aswan?

We can not confirm how many nobles were buried in the tombs of Nobles at Aswan as the excavations still going on since 2014 till now.

Why did they choose the site of the valley of the Nobles Aswan?

As normal the west bank mountains have soft limestone and was easy for workers to dig the tombs. Meanwhile close to Aswan governorate.

For how much time valley of the Nobles was used as a burial place?

The discovered tombs till now in Aswan for the nobles date back to the Old Kingdom and the Middle kingdom (2500 BC and 2000 BC) but also, but we have tombs dating back to the beginning of the history around 3599 BC.

When the Valley of the Nobles Aswan was discovered?

Lord Greenville, the British archaeologist in 1885 was the first one who discovered the tombs and works still takes place to this day. The Tombs of Nobles Aswan are considered some of the oldest tombs of its kind discovered in Egypt and some of the best attractions in Aswan. Lady Cecil started excavating at the site 15 years after Lord Greenville.

Who Built the tombs of the Nobles Aswan?  

We have hundreds of these rock-cut tombs housing the remains of high-ranking and noble Egyptians the beginning of the Egyptian history till the Roma era.

Names of the tombs of Nobles Aswan?

  • Qubbet el-Hawa (Dome of the Wind) refers to the dome of the tomb of an Islamic sheikh situated atop the peak of the hill.
  • Tombs of Nobles Aswan.
  • Valley of Nobles Aswan to differentiate between this valley and the one in Luxor or Saqqara.



Tombs of the Nobles Aswan layout 

Valley of Nobles Aswan have simple designs, they start with an entrance leading to a hall then a pillared room followed by a corridor leading to the burial chamber.

Tombs of the Nobles Aswan Numbering

The tombs of Nobles Aswan follow a similar system to the tombs of Nobles in Luxor, they start with two letters   QH (Qubbet El Hawa) as the necropolis has four levels and the upper one is located underneath the tomb of Sheikh Ali Abu el-Hawa.

Q – Qubbet

H – El Hawa

Then a number shows when they discover it.

The tombs themes

The tombs of Nobles Aswan are exceptional as they still keep very nice colored and vivid walls relives. The scenes of these tombs of Nobles like most of these kinds of tombs illustrate the daily life scenes of the owners.

For example, the tomb of Sarenput II (number 31) shows Sarenput with his wife and his mother as well as hunting and fishing scenes. Some tombs show their biographies, and military campaigns like that Sabni’s tomb. The same tombs show some very nice hunting and fishing scenes depicting Sabni with his daughters in the pillared hall.

opening hours

The Valley of Nobles tombs open daily from 08.00 am to 17.00 pm but ticket windows close at 16.00 pm.

How to get to the Tombs of the Nobles Aswan?

To reach the tombs of Nobles Aswan, you have to cross the Nile with a motorboat or felucca from the east bank to the west bank. Indeed, you have to go through a steep path to the entrance. There is an option to take the ferry boat for locals to cross the Nile.


While you visit the tombs of the Nobles Aswan (Qubbet El Hawa), you will need to purchase an entrance ticket for the tombs of the Nobles Aswan including access to

  • The Tombs of Mekhu
  • The tomb of Sabni
  • The Tomb of Sarenput II
  • The Tomb of Sarenput I

Adult: EGP 60 ($)

Students with valid cards: EGP 30($)

Children aged 6-12 years: EGP 30 ($)

Children under 6 years: FREE

Best time to visit the Tombs of the Nobles Aswan

Aswan has a unique location, warm weather, and attractive nature making the city one of the most important touristic cities in Egypt. Meanwhile, People flow to the Aswan from all over the world, especially in winter, to enjoy the incredible weather and the monumental sites. Aswan is very rich in temples.

Like Philae temple. Calabash temple, the unfinished obelisk of the queen Hatshepsut, Amada, Kom Ombo temple, and Tombs of Nobles on the west bank. So, in winter, you can go whenever you like but it is always better in summer to go early morning or at the end of the day.

How much it cost a ticket for a Camera in the Aswan Tombs of the Nobles?

Nowadays it is allowed to use your camera or Mobil phone for free inside the tombs of the Valley of the Nobles.

List of the most important Aswan Tombs of the Nobles

Tombs of the Nobles are not like the Valley of the Kings as the tombs are smaller in size and a lot of them have ana amazing scenes from daily life.

Old Kingdom tombs of Nobles Aswan

  • QH 34 N – Tomb of HERKHUF (6th Dynasty)
  • QH 34 E –Tomb of KHUI (6th Dynasty)
  • QH 26 – Tomb of MEKHU (6th Dynasty)
  • QH25 – SABNI I (6th Dynasty)
  • QH QH35: Tomb of Heqaib (Pepinakht)
  • QHN 9 – Not known yet

Middle Kingdom tombs  

  • QH 36 – SARENPUT I (12th Dynasty)
  • QH 31 – SARENPUT II (12th Dynasty)

New Kingdom tombs 

  • QHN 2 – Tomb of User
  • QHN 4 – The tomb of Amenhotp
  • QHN 5 – Qen

When they rubied the tombs of Nobles Aswan?

Like everywhere in Egypt, a short time after they discover any new tombs, people became crazy as they believe drugs or monuments make them rich. that’s why they robbed most of the tombs shortly after their discovery. In 2014, the situation started to be under control and to take initial security measures.

Tips for visiting 

  • We advise visiting the Qubbet El Hawa with an archaeologist guide. The guides will help you with more details about Aswan city in the past, and the titles of Aswan governors.
  • Read before you go and make up your mind if you are an individual visitor which tombs you want to visit.
  • Take extra water with you and some snacks, especially in the summer months and drink at least 5 bottles.
  • Do not forget to take your hat, sunglasses, and sun cream with you
  • Cotton dress during summer.
  • You can use the public ferry if you like to cross from the east to the west bank or vice versa.