Dendera Temple in Qena Egypt | Facts & Reasons for constructing Hathor temple

Dendera Temple in Qena Egypt | Facts & Reasons for constructing Hathor temple, History of the Pharaonic Temples, plan, architecture, and reliefs. The temple of Dendera is the best-preserved Pharaonic temple in the whole of Egypt and It is a unique temple in its design. We will explain the history of the temple, the plan, the [...]
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Edfu Temple in Aswan Egypt | Horus Temple Facts, History of the Pharaonic Temples

Edfu Temple in Aswan Egypt | Horus Temple Facts, History of the Pharaonic Temples, Architectural Design, Horus temple layout, Opening Hours, Ticket Price. Horus temple is one of the best Pharaonic temples of Aswan in Egypt. temple of Horus in Aswan is the second largest Pharaonic temple in Egypt and it gives a perfect idea […]

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Kom Ombo Temple in Aswan Egypt | Facts Reasons for constructing the temple & History

Kom Ombo Temple in Aswan Egypt | Facts Reasons for constructing the temple & History of the Pharaonic Temples, plan, architecture and reliefs. Kom Ombo Temple Kom Ombo temple Location The temple of Kom Ombo is located on the east bank of the Nile River about 55km to the north of Aswan. The temple was […]

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Luxor Temple in Egypt | Pharaonic Temples Facts, Location, Plan, Guide, ticket price

Luxor Temple in Egypt | Pharaonic Temples Facts, Location, Plan, Guide, ticket price | Discover History Of Pharaohs kings, and Ancient Egypt Civilization. Luxor Temple in Egypt Location The temple of Luxor is located on the Luxor East Bank of the Nile River, Luxor city, in the South of Egypt. To Whom Luxor Temple was […]

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Things to do in Luxor Egypt | What can be done in Luxor, Best Tourist Attractions

Things to do in Luxor Egypt | What can be done in Luxor, Best Tourist Attractions in East Bank and West Bank to Discover History Of Pharaonic Civilization Egyptian. Top Luxor Tourist Attractions | Pharaonic Temples | Pharaonic Tombs | Museums | Best Places to Visit | Gems If you are planning your Egypt Holiday […]

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The Temple of Ptah at Karnak Luxor Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples, Inscriptions & Plan

The Temple of Ptah at Karnak Luxor Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples, Inscriptions & Plan and interior design and more about History Of Egyptian Civilization. The Temple of Ptah at Karnak Luxor Egypt Where is Ptah Temple? The temple of Ptah is part of the Karnak complex and it lies to the north of the […]

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White Chapel of Senusret I in Karnak temple Luxor Egypt | Facts, History, Layout

White Chapel of Senusret I in Karnak temple Luxor Egypt | Facts, History, Layout | Architectural Design, inscriptions & decorations and more about Pharaonic Temples in Open-Air Museum Karnak. Before we talk about the White Chapel of Senusret I at the Open-Air Museum, Karnak temple, Luxor, we will introduce in brief About Senusret I and […]

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Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples

Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples and History Deir El Bahari temple, Layout, drawings, inscriptions. Before we talk about the Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El Bahari, we will introduce in brief the Queen and why she is very famous in ancient Egyptian History. Meanwhile, her temple at Deir […]

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Colossi of Memnon in Luxor Egypt | Facts, Mythology, History

Colossi of Memnon in Luxor Egypt | Facts, Mythology, History | Discover Secrets about the top Luxor attractions, Where are the located, When did the Colossi of Memnon stop Singing? and more about Best Things to Do in Luxor | Theban Necropolis. The Colossi of Memnon show the glory of an era of ancient Egyptian […]

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Medinet Habu Temple in Luxor Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples, History, plane, Map

Medinet Habu Temple in Luxor Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples, History, plane, Map The Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III The Migdol Gate… Medinet Habu Temple in Luxor Egypt Where is Medinet Habu Temple? Habu temple (Medinet Habu temple) is on Luxor West Bank exactly facing Luxor temple on Luxor East Bank. The location of Habu […]

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Mut Temple in Karnak Temple Luxor Egypt | Precinct of Mut Facts, History

Mut Temple in Karnak Temple Luxor Egypt | Precinct of Mut Facts, History | Mistress of peace | Lady of heaven | Mighty ruler in her Theban Temple. Mut Temple in Karnak Temple Luxor Egypt Who was Mut in ancient Egypt? Lady of Heaven and Mistress of all Gods are the titles she carried during […]

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Luxor West Bank Attractions Upper Egypt | Facts, Map, Tombs

Luxor West Bank Attractions Upper Egypt | Facts, Map, Tombs what to see in West bank luxor in the Old Kingdom of Pharaonic Civilization, Pharaonic Temples, Monuments, Antiquities and Tombs. Luxor West bank was the burial place of the important officials of the 4th nome of Upper Egypt and the capital of that nome was […]

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Luxor East Bank Attractions in Luxor Egypt | Discover Pharaonic Monuments

Luxor East Bank Attractions in Luxor Egypt | Discover Pharaonic Monuments Luxor East bank means that part on the East side of the Nile River of Luxor City. Luxor was the capital of Egypt two times, during the eleventh dynasty and during The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (18TH,19TH, and 20th dynasties) lasts between 1550 […]

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king Tutankhamun | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings

king Tutankhamun | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings Discover King Tut Tomb, Mummy, Death, Mask, Facts, Biography, Tomb, Kings of Ancient Egypt Kingdom… Tutankhamun Living is the image of Amun (1334-1325) We have been talking about The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt and those kings who ruled Egypt from 1550 to 1080 BC.  Some of the […]

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