Seti I | Sety I (Sethos) | Facts, History Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, Military Campaigns…
Seti I (He of the god Seth) (1291-1278), the second Pharoah of Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt during The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt era. He ruled Egypt for about 12 years between 1291-1278 BC. He was the son of Ramesses I and Sitre.
Seti I married the daughter of the chariotry Raia. His wife’s name was Tuya and their first child was a boy but he died young. Seti I had a daughter with Tuya named Tia but the most important one was the third son who will have the same name as his grandfather Ramesses and later Ramesses II. He had also a second daughter called Henutmire.
Seti titles during his Ramesses I life
- The Vizier
- Troop commander
- A high-ranking officer in the army
- Responsible for Egypt’s foreign relations
- The repeater of the Births

Seti I royal titles
kꜢ-nḫt ḫꜤi-m-wꜢst sꜤnḫ-tꜢwi – The Strong bull who appeared in Thebes and sustains the Two Lands
wḥm-mswt sḫm-ḫpš dr-pḏt-Ꜣ – Renewing births, the strong-armed one who has repelled the Nine Bows
wḥm-ḫꜤw wsr-pḏwt-m-tꜢw-nbw – Who has repeated appearances, strong of troops in all lands
mn-mꜢꜤt-rꜤ – Eternal is the Truth of Ra
stḥy mri. n-ptḥ – Seti, beloved of Ptah
Seti’s military campaigns
During his first year on the throne, Seti I led a military campaign against the Shasu (local Bedouins), who were harassing Egyptian interests along with the Ways of Horus (series of military forts) the route linking Egypt with the Levant via the Sinai Peninsula.
In Palestine, the Egyptian army engaged in another war against cities in the southern Levant, including Yenoam and Beth Shan.
To the West, The king defeated Libyan tribesmen who had invaded Egypt’s western border according to the Karnak battel reliefs.
South, probably in his fourth regnal year, Seti I fought a battle against Irem, most likely located southwest of Lower Nubia
Seti I the later campaigns were the conquest of Amurru and Kadesh
There is mention of a battle against Hittite forces. That was the first time, Egyptians met the Hittites in battle.
Seti I was taken by restoring the past glories of the earlier 18th Dynasty Pharaohs Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep III. All these battels’ reliefs on the northern and eastern walls of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak Temple provide a good idea about the king’s campaigns.
Monuments of Seti I
Seti I built an impressive number of monuments throughout Egypt and restored many temples reliefs…
In Luxor
- Seti I started the Great Hypostyle Hall of Karnak temple but his son Ramesses II will complete it later.
- The Pharoah Seti I built his mortuary temple near the entrance of the Valley of the Kings at the northern part of the western necropolis
- Tomb of Seti I (KV17) is one of the largest and finest tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Discovered by Giovanni Belzoni in October 1817. The decoration of KV 17 includes the Litany of Ra, The Book of Amduat, The Book of Gates, The Book of the Heavenly Cow, and an astronomical ceiling. The sarcophagus contains a complete copy of The Book of Gates.
- Seti I mummy was found in the Deir El Bahari cache in 1881 and the mummy is the finest of the surviving royal mummies.
- He decorated his pillared halls with the Book of Gates and had the first complete version inscribed on his sarcophagus and can visit by our Luxor Tours.
In the Delta
- Seti I founded the Ramesside capital at Pi-Ramesse
- Sety added to the temple of Seth at Avaris
Memphis and Heliopolis
- The King erected several temples, along with a series of obelisks.
- Abydos temple, dedicated to Osiris and other national divinities. Abydos temple is the most remarkable temple ever constructed in Egypt. The temple was not dedicated only to Osiris but it has 7 sanctuaries dedicated to 6 gods plus him as a god. The sanctuaries are dedicated to Isis, Horus, Osiris, Ptah, Re Hor Akhty, Amun Ra, and Seti himself.
- Abydos King’s list (Abydos table) a list of 76 kings, 38 cartouches in 3 lines. The list excluded all the kings of the Second Intermediate Period and Hatshepsut with all Amarna names.
- Small chapel at Abydos to commemorate his family ancestry and the rule of his father.
- Seti build another mystery structure known as the Osireion at Abydos.
In Nubia
Seti built some monuments in Nubia
Seti I and the Bible | Who is the Pharaoh of Prophet Moses?
We know for sure that Seti I was the father of Egypt’s greatest rulers, Ramesses II, and perhaps his coregent in his last years on the throne.
The Pharoah’s name was Mery-en-Ptah, meaning “He of the god Ptah, and he was a great leader and king. Many studies and discussions about who was the Pharoah of the Bible Seti I or Ramses II?
We have to confess that till now there is archaeological evidence that Seti I was present in the era of the Prophet Moses. However, according to archaeological evidence, none of the specific Pharaohs have even been proved to be those who lived during the era of the prophets.
We know for sure that the Israelites lived in the North of Egypt, in the Delta and most of the prophets lived in the Delta-like Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, and Moses. Finally, according to the Bible, all mentioned kings were in Upper Egypt. Along with this, we are waiting for the future to explain to us more about that.
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