Tomb of Tutankhamun in Valley of the Kings Luxor Egypt | What was Howard Carter found in the Pharaonic King Tut Tomb, Mummy, Death, Facts, Location and more.

Tomb of Tutankhamun in Valley of the Kings Luxor Egypt | KV 62

Before we talk about the tomb of Tutankhamun and how it was discovered and who discovered it and why it is very famous? Do we have to mention who was Tutankhamun?

Tomb of Tutankhamun in Valley of the Kings Luxor Egypt | KV 62

Who was Tutankhamun?

Tutankhamun was the 12th Egyptian Pharoah of the eighteenth dynasty of The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. He was a shadowy and little-known figure till his tomb was discovered in November 1922, in the Valley of the Kings on Luxor west bank.

Where is the tomb of Tutankhamun?

The tomb of Tutankhamun is on Luxor West Bank, in the Valley of the Kings and it has the number KV 62.

Why is the tomb of Tutankhamun so important?

The tomb of Tutankhamun is so important because, in the late New Kingdom period of Egyptian History, royal tombs get robbed. Tutankhamun’s tomb was the most intact ancient Egyptian tomb ever found. More than 5300 objects were found in the smallest royal tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

Why is Tutankhamun significant?

The boy Tutankhaten was born in 1341 BC. And in that time Egypt witnessed great social and political changes. King Akhenaten, the father of Tutankhaten closed Thebes temples like Karnak, forbidding the worship of many gods in favor of worshipping one, ATEN, the sun disc. In other words, Egypt’s religion changed from Polytheism to Monotheism. Moreover, the king neglected domestic and foreign affairs. The king died after 17 years leaving his son the 9 years old boy took over around 1332 BC. After taking power, he married to Ankhesenamen, his half-sister and the daughter of Nefertiti and Akhenaten.

He changed his name after two years from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun and moved the royal court back to Luxor. He died at age 19, circa 1323 BC bringing further turmoil to the court. King Tutankhamun was buried in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings and because of his early death, he was buried in a small tomb, most probably not his tomb.

What are the reasons why the tomb was not stolen?

There is evidence that the robbers had entered the tomb at least twice. Once, after his burial, the tomb was broken into. During the second time, the robbers were caught by the Necropolis Police and the tomb was resealed. Another reason why the tomb was not robbed in modern times? Because side by side with the tomb is the Tomb of Ramesses V & Ramesses VI (KV9). The entrance of KV 9 is 10 meters higher than the King Tut tomb entrance. When they dug KV 9, they put all the debris on Tutankhamun’s tomb, that’s why it was covered with sand and it was far from the looters.

Tutankhamun’s tomb was originally for him?

As we mentioned Tutankhamun’s tomb was not originally for him. Most probably for a lesser noble like Ay. Ay was the old man who became a king by marrying Tutankhamun’s widow Ankhesenamen against her wish. Ay has a tomb in the east Valley numbered KV 23.

Who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun?

Howard Carter, the Egyptologist discovered Tutankhamun tomb after six seasons of hard work in the valley of the Kings. finally, in November 1922 he was rewarded with the discovery of the Pharoah tomb of Tutankhamun, with all its treasures.

On November 4, 1922, the first step was discovered

On November 5, 1922, the rest of the steps and a sealed doorway came to light

Sunday, November 26, 1922, Howard Carter found the entrance of the tomb

On February 16th, 1923, Carter opened the door to the burial chamber of what was to become one of the world’s most famous discoveries

1939, November 15 the tomb was opened to the public

Why did Howard Carter believe that Tutankhamun was buried in the Valley of the Kings?

Howard Carter worked in Egypt for 31 years before he found the tomb of Tutankhamun. He came to Egypt in 1891 when most of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings have been already discovered. Tutankhamun’s tomb was not found but there were false alarms about the discovery of the tomb.

Lord George Carnarvon after his first car accident in history, came to relax in Aswan. He found Aswan an amazing place and he decided to conduct excavations there. Carnarvon hired Howard Carter to work for him and unfortunately, they were not able to work in the Valley of the Kings because it was Theodore Davis’s right.

After 7 years and in 1917, Davis gave up the Valley of the Kings after he believed nothing left to be found. Carter-Carnarvon team started their mission with one aim, looking for Tutankhamun’s tomb. Carter used his long experience and made an accurate map of the valley and decided where they have to work. After long years of work with no result, Lord Carnarvon decided to give up but Carter asked him for one more season.

4 November 1922, the team found the step then on November 5 they cleaned all the steps till they found the descending corridor to the entrance and it was sealed. That was the moment when Carter knows it is a tomb and it is unopened. He asked Carnarvon to come to Egypt immediately. When Carnarvon arrived, they made a small hole in the wall. Carter looked through the hole and said he saw wonderful things.

Is King Tutankhamun still in his tomb?

Howard Carter found almost 5300 objects in the tomb of Tutankhamun, almost everything was moved from his tom in Luxor to Cairo Museum. Lately. they moved them once again from Cairo Museum to the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM). Only two pieces are still in the burial chamber of King Tut in his tomb the Valley of the Kings KV 62. The most outer sarcophagus and the Mummy of Tutankhamun.

The tomb of Tutankhamun layout?

Like all the Pharaonic tombs in the valley of the kings, Tutankhamun tomb is a rock-cut tomb, carved directly into the soft limestone of the Valley between the Merenptah tomb and the Tomb of Ramesses V & Ramesses VI (KV9).

The tomb starts with 16 steps that lead to a short descending corridor almost 8m in length and ends with a rectangular antechamber with a side chamber. At the north end of the antechamber, there is the burial chamber which is 1m lower than the antechamber. There is another side chamber that opens from the burial chamber.

The tomb of Tutankhamun facts

Maximum height: 3.68 m

Minimum width: 0.66 m

Maximum width: 7.86 m

Total length: 30.80 m

Total area: 109.83 m²

Total volume: 277.01 m³

Owner type: King

Entrance location: Base of a sloping hill

Entrance type: Staircase

Interior layout: Corridor and chambers

 What was found inside the tomb?

Carter found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun almost everything the king used in his first life and he believed he will reuse it in his second life. The tomb of the ancient Pharaohs was the palace, the place where he will spend his second everlasting time. Everything he felt he will need, he put inside his tomb. Putting the above in mind, we found in his tomb

Cloth – Beds – Oils – Food – Drinks – lapis-lazuli bracelets

Gold – Silver – a fan of ostrich feathers – Statues – jars of beer

Nephrite rings – pectorals made from glass paste – Accessories Clothing

Scarabs – hunting equipment – musical instruments

Cosmetic equipment – ornate leather armor – solid-gold sandals

walking canes – fainting couches – chariots – Beds – board games

 What are the most important pieces in the collection of the Tomb of Tutankhamun?

Two Ka Statues of Tutankhamun

The first Gilded shrine

The golden mask of Tutankhamun

Inner coffin of the king

Canopic shrine

The lid of a Canopic Jar

Golden Shrine

Tutankhamun’s head emerging from the Lotus flower

The king on the back of a leopard

Ivory headrest with god Shu

Shawabti of Tutankhamun

The golden throne of the King

Ceremonial chair

Chair with god Huh

You can visit the tomb by booking Luxor Day Trip from Makadi bay with us.

That was about the Valley of the Kings and the Pharaonic tombs but if you like to know more about Egyptian History when booking Luxor Day Tours from Hurghada, Marsa Alam, or Luxor. If you like to learn more about Ancient Egyptian civilization, and Pharaonic temples, we recommend the following sites