Ramesses I | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt

Ramesses I | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt | Disover Ramses I History, Biography, Tomb, The Mummy & Facts… Paramessu was the son of Seti, a troop commander, and judge. He surpassed his father’s position as a troop commander and became the commander of the north during Horemheb’s reign […]

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Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt | Ramessid dynasty Facts

Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt | Ramessid dynasty Facts History of 19th Dynasty ancient Egyptian and Pharaohs kings list, Facts about The End of the Nineteenth Dynasty. The Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt is known as the Ramessid dynasty and this dynasty will witness later the end of the Amarna Period and the beginning of the stability […]

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