Thutmosis III | Rulers of Egyptian Pharaohs kings and 18th Dynasty

Thutmosis III | Rulers of Egyptian Pharaohs kings and 18th Dynasty | Discover Facts of Thutmose III and Hatshepsut relationship, Biography, Tomb, and death and more. undoubtedly, King Thutmosis III is one of the greatest Pharaohs in Ancient Egyptian civilization during The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. We will try to explain his biography, life […]

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Things to do in Luxor Egypt | What can be done in Luxor, Best Tourist Attractions

Things to do in Luxor Egypt | What can be done in Luxor, Best Tourist Attractions in East Bank and West Bank to Discover History Of Pharaonic Civilization Egyptian. Top Luxor Tourist Attractions | Pharaonic Temples | Pharaonic Tombs | Museums | Best Places to Visit | Gems If you are planning your Egypt Holiday […]

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Amenhotep III | King Amenophis III Facts, History Egypt’s Greatest Pharaohs kings

Amenhotep III | King Amenophis III Facts, History Egypt’s Greatest Pharaohs kings | His life, reign, Tomb, and death, (1386-1353 BCE)… Amenhotep III (Amenophis III) was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. He was the son of Thuthmosis IV and the father of Akhenaten and the grandfather […]

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Djoser | Zoser king Facts | Egyptian Pharaohs kings


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Ramesses I | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt

Ramesses I | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt | Disover Ramses I History, Biography, Tomb, The Mummy & Facts… Paramessu was the son of Seti, a troop commander, and judge. He surpassed his father’s position as a troop commander and became the commander of the north during Horemheb’s reign […]

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Luxor East Bank Attractions in Luxor Egypt | Discover Pharaonic Monuments

Luxor East Bank Attractions in Luxor Egypt | Discover Pharaonic Monuments Luxor East bank means that part on the East side of the Nile River of Luxor City. Luxor was the capital of Egypt two times, during the eleventh dynasty and during The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (18TH,19TH, and 20th dynasties) lasts between 1550 […]

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king Tutankhamun | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings

king Tutankhamun | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings Discover King Tut Tomb, Mummy, Death, Mask, Facts, Biography, Tomb, Kings of Ancient Egypt Kingdom… Tutankhamun Living is the image of Amun (1334-1325) We have been talking about The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt and those kings who ruled Egypt from 1550 to 1080 BC.  Some of the […]

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The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt Timeline | Egyptian Empire Facts, History Pharaonic Civilization

The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt Timeline | Egyptian Empire Facts, History Pharaonic Civilization, List of Pharaohs kings Dynasty 18, 19, 20, 21 The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt is that period of Egyptian history following the Second Intermediate Period. That was the era when kings lost control over the whole of Egypt. The Second [...]
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